Interior of a Church - Max Emanuel Ainmiller

Interior of a Church (Oil on Canvas, 1859 - Architecture, Interiors Painting) by Max Emanuel Ainmiller

Painting Detail

Interior of a Church
Artist: Max Emanuel Ainmiller
Medium: Painting, Oil on canvas, 68x54 cm
Date: 1859
Genre: Architecture, Interiors
Source: All-Union Society Antikvariat, 1929

The earliest specimens of Ainmiller's work are to be found in the cathedral of Regensburg. With a few exceptions, all the windows in Glasgow cathedral are from his hand. Specimens may also be seen in St Paul's cathedral and Peterhouse, Cambridge, and the Cologne cathedral contains some of his finest productions. Ainmiller had considerable skill as an oil-painter, especially in interiors, his pictures of the Chapel Royal at Windsor Castle and of Westminster Abbey being much admired. He is buried in the Alter Südfriedhof in Munich.

Maximilian was also mentor to many famous painters, including future son-in-law David Dalhoff Neal, and grandfather to dramatist Max Neal, and composer Heinrich Neal who was born a few month prior to his death.