Large Pine, Saint-Tropez - Paul Signac

Large Pine, Saint-Tropez by Paul Signac - Landscape Paintings from Hermitage Museum

Painting Detail

Large Pine, Saint-Tropez
Artist: Paul Signac
Medium: Painting, Oil on panel, 19x27 cm
Date: c. 1892/1893
Genre: Landscape
Source: Formerly in the collection of Otto Krebs, Holzdorf

This work is a nature study for the painting Italian Pine on the Road to Saint-Tropez of 1893, which Signac gave at one time to his friend the Belgian artist Teo van Rijsselberghe. This pine or one quite similar to it also figures in the painting The Golden Age. Compared to this study, the silhouette of the pine in both paintings is far more formalized and suggests Japanese influence. Moreover, these paintings are executed in a careful pointillist manner.