Bouquet of Flowers on a Veranda - Henri Matisse

Bouquet of Flowers on a Veranda by Henri Matisse - Still Life, Flowers Paintings from Hermitage Museum

Painting Detail

Bouquet of Flowers on a Veranda
Artist: Henri Matisse
Medium: Painting, Oil on canvas, 146x97 cm
Date: c. 1912
Genre: Still Life, Flowers
Source: State Museum of New Western Art, Moscow, 1934

The artist was in Morocco between October 1912 and February 1913, during which time he painted this small composition, which incorporates a still life, interior and a landscape. Although painted in oils, the composition is so light and airy as to seem more like a watercolour. The deliberate and expressive contrast of green and greyish-blue tones works with the softly shining yellow to create a sense of soft sunny light.

Matisse mixed areas of colour with patches of unpainted, white primed canvas, which are particularly effective when used to set off the colour of the flowers. Cold and elegant, these flowers are outlined with a light, precise contour, its smokey-grey colour harmonising with the colour structure of the whole painting.