Young Girl in a Hat - Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Young Girl in a Hat by Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Portrait Paintings from Hermitage Museum

Painting Detail

Young Girl in a Hat
Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Medium: Painting, Oil on canvas, 41.3x32.5 cm
Date: c. 1892/1894
Genre: Portrait
Source: Formerly in the collection of Otto Krebs, Holzdorf

In the 1890s Renoir frequently painted the subject of a young woman in a hat. The artist had been partial to this theme in the past. The fancy ladies' hats of the end of the century further enlivened Renoir's interest. He liked them so much that sometimes he ordered especially unusual hats for his models. This chapeaux fantaisistes turned out to suit Renoir's women.

The charlotte, a hat fashionable in the late 19th century, was depicted by Renoir on several occasion during that time in paintings and lithographs.