Architecture Painting - p.17

Grotto of Nymph Egeria by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Grotto of Nymph Egeria
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Country-House on Ancient Ruins, C by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Country-House on Ancient Ruins, C
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Fragment of an Ornamentated Frieze by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Fragment of an Ornamentated Frieze
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau

Grotto at Baia
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Grotto of Nymph Egeria by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Grotto of Nymph Egeria
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Inhabited Ruins, F by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Inhabited Ruins, F
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Interior of the Sepulchral Hall by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Interior of the Sepulchral Hall
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Interior of the Sepulchral Hall by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Interior of the Sepulchral Hall
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Interior of the Villa Madama in Rome by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Interior of the Villa Madama in Rome
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Leaning Tower in Pisa by Charles-Louis Clerisseau - Architecture Drawings from Hermitage Museum
Leaning Tower in Pisa
- Charles-Louis Clerisseau